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(underline indicates students/postdocs supervised by Prof. Wang; # indicates co-first authors with equal contribution)


  • Jing, Y., Wang, S., Chan, P.-W., and Yang, Z.-L. (2025) Gross primary productivity is more sensitive to accelerated flash droughts. Communications Earth & Environment, 6, 34 [PDF].


  • Zhang, B., Wang, S., and Slater, L. (2024) Anthropogenic climate change doubled the frequency of compound drought and heatwaves in low-income regions. Communications Earth & Environment, 5, 715 [PDF]. Featured in the “new science” section of Carbon Brief’s newsletter and the University of Oxford.

  • You, J., Wang, S., and Zhang, B. (2024) Spatially seamless and temporally continuous assessment on compound flood risk in Hong Kong. Journal of Hydrology, 645,132217. [PDF]

  • Zhou, M. and Wang, S. (2024) The risk of concurrent heatwaves and extreme sea levels along the global coastline is increasing. Communications Earth & Environment, 5, 144 [PDF]. Received significant attention from the global community, including news coverage by The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR),, Scientific American, Nature Asia, CCTV, Xinhua Net, People's Daily, China News, PolyU PAIR, etc.

  • Weng, X., Zhu, J., Wang D., Chen, H., Wang, S., and Qing, Y. (2024) Exploring the relationship between drought-flood abrupt alternation and soil erosion over Guangdong, China through a convection-permitting model. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 15, 2383779. [PDF]

  • Ou, Q., Zhao, T., Wang, S., Liu, Y., Wu, Y., Li, B., and Chen X. (2024) Relating extreme precipitation events to atmospheric conditions and driving variables in China. Climate Dynamics. [PDF]


  • Chen, H. and Wang, S. (2023) Compound dry and wet extremes lead to an increased risk of rice yield loss. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2023GL105817. [PDF]

  • #Qing, Y., #Wang, S., Yang, Z-L., Gentine, P., Zhang, B., and Alexander, J. (2023) Accelerated soil drying linked to increasing evaporative demand in wet regions. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 6, 205. [PDF]

  • #Zhang, B., #Wang, S., Zscheischler, J., and Moradkhani, H. (2023) Higher exposure of poorer people to emerging weather whiplash in a warmer world. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2023GL105640. [PDF]

  • #Qing, Y., #Wang, S., Yang, Z-L., and Gentine, P. (2023) Soil moisture−atmosphere feedbacks have triggered the shifts from drought to pluvial conditions since 1980. Communications Earth & Environment, 4, 254 [PDF]. Received international and local news coverage, including Yahoo UKMirage News,, The Daily Texan, PolyU PAIR, etc. Recognized as "Highly Cited Paper" - in the top 1% of the academic field of Geosciences.

  • You, J., Wang, S., Zhang, B., Raymond, C., and Matthews, T. (2023) Growing threats from swings between hot and wet extremes in a warmer world. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2023GL104075. [PDF]

  • Chen, H., Wang, S., Zhu, J., and Wang, D. (2023) Projected changes in the pattern of spatially compounding drought and pluvial events over Eastern China under a warming climate. Earth's Future, 11, e2022EF003397. [PDF]


  • Zhang, B., Wang, S., Moradkhani, H., Slater, L., and Liu, J. (2022) A vine copula-based ensemble projection of precipitation intensity-duration-frequency curves at sub-daily to multi-day time scales. Water Resources Research, 58,             e2022WR032658. [PDF]

  • Chen, H. and Wang, S. (2022) Accelerated transition between dry and wet periods in a warming climate. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL099766. [PDF]

  • Li, X. and Wang, S. (2022) Recent increase in the occurrence of snow droughts followed by extreme heatwaves in a warmer world. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL099925 [PDF]. Top downloaded article in GRL and selected as "Research Highlight" in Nature. ‘Snow droughts’ followed by extreme heat are striking more of the planet, Nature, 607, 215, (2022).

  • Zhang, B., Wang, S., Qing, Y., Zhu, J., Wang, D., and Liu, J. (2022) A vine copula-based polynomial chaos framework for improving multi-model hydroclimatic projections at a multi-decadal convection-permitting scale. Water Resources Research, 58, e2022WR031954. [PDF]

  • Li, K., Huang, G., Wang, S., Razavi, S., and Zhang, X. (2022) Development of a joint probabilistic rainfall-runoff model for high-to-extreme flow projections under changing climatic conditions. Water Resources Research, e2021WR031557. [PDF]

  • Li, K., Huang, G., Wang, S., and Razavi, S. (2022) Development of a physics-informed data-driven model for gaining insights into hydrological processes in irrigated watersheds. Journal of Hydrology, 128323. [PDF]

  • #Qing, Y., #Wang, S., Ancell, B., and Yang, Z-L. (2022) Accelerating flash droughts induced by the joint influence of soil moisture depletion and atmospheric aridity. Nature Communications, 13, 1139 [PDF]. Received widespread media coverage (source: Ranked in the top 5% of all research outputs ever tracked by Altmetric (source: Recognized as "Highly Cited Paper"  - in the top 1% of the academic field of Geosciences.

  • Wang, S., Ancell, B., Yang, Z-L., Duan, Q., and Anagnostou, E. (2022) Hydroclimatic extremes and impacts in a changing environment: Observations, mechanisms, and projections. Journal of Hydrology, 608, 127615. [PDF]

  • Zhang, B., Wang, S., and Zhu, J. (2022) A weighted ensemble of regional climate projections for exploring the spatiotemporal evolution of multidimensional drought risks in a changing climate. Climate Dynamics, 58, 49–68. [PDF]

  • Shen, Y., Wang, S., Zhang, B., and Zhu, J. (2022) Development of a stochastic hydrological modeling system for improving ensemble streamflow prediction. Journal of Hydrology, 608, 127683. [PDF]

  • Zhu, J., Wang, S., and Fischer E.M. (2022) Increased occurrence of day-night hot extremes in a warming climate. Climate Dynamics, 59, 1297–1307. [PDF]

  • Li, K., Huang, G., Wang, S., Baetz, B.W., and Xu, W. (2022) A stepwise clustered hydrological model for addressing the temporal autocorrelation of daily streamflows in irrigated watersheds. Water Resources Research, 58, e2021WR031065. [PDF]

  • Tang, S., Jiang, J., Shamseldin, A.Y., Shi, H., Wang, X., Shang, F., Wang, S., and Zheng, Y. (2022) Comprehensive optimization framework for low impact development facility layout design with cost-benefit analysis: A case study in Shenzhen city, China. ACS ES&T Water, 2, 63–74. [PDF]


  • You, J. and Wang, S. (2021) Higher probability of occurrence of hotter and shorter heat waves followed by heavy rainfall. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL094831 [PDF]. Featured by PolyU RILS and in the Inaugural Issue of the PolyU PAIR Newsletter.

  • Carvalho, K.S., Smith, T.E., and Wang, S. (2021) Bering Sea marine heatwaves: Patterns, trends and connections with the Arctic. Journal of Hydrology, 600, 126462. [PDF]

  • Zhu, J., Wang, S., Wang, D., Zeng, X., Cai, Y., and Zhang, B. (2021) Upholding labor productivity with intensified heat stress: Robust planning for adaptation to climate change under uncertainty. Journal of Cleaner Production, 322, 129083. [PDF]

  • Qing, Y. and Wang, S. (2021) Multi-decadal convection-permitting climate projections for China’s Greater Bay Area and surroundings. Climate Dynamics, 57, 415–434. [PDF]

  • Zhu, J., Wang, S., Zhang, B., and Wang, D. (2021) Adapting to changing labor productivity as a result of intensified heat stress in a changing climate. GeoHealth, 4, e2020GH000313. [PDF]

  • Zhang, B. and Wang, S. (2021) Probabilistic characterization of extreme storm surges induced by tropical cyclones. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126, e2020JD033557. [PDF]

  • Zhang, B., Wang, S., and Wang, Y. (2021) Probabilistic projections of multidimensional flood risks at a convection-permitting scale. Water Resources Research, 57, e2020WR028582. [PDF]

  • Li, K., Huang, G., Zhang, X., Lu, C., and Wang, S. (2021) Temporal and spatial changes of monthly vegetation growth in the ancient Yellow River irrigation system, China, and their driving forces. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 243, 103911. [PDF]

  • Long, K., Wang, D., Wang, G., Zhu, J., Wang, S., and Xie, S. (2021) Higher temperature enhances spatio-temporal concentration of rainfall. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 3159–3169.



  • Chen, H., Wang, S., Zhu, J., and Zhang, B. (2020) Projected changes in abrupt shifts between dry and wet extremes over China through an ensemble of regional climate model simulations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125, e2020JD033894. [PDF]

  • Chen, H., Wang, S., Wang, Y., and Zhu, J. (2020) Probabilistic projections of hydrological droughts through convection-permitting climate simulations and multi-model hydrological predictions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125, e2020JD032914. [PDF]

  • Qing, Y., Wang, S., Zhang, B., and Wang, Y. (2020) Ultra-high resolution regional climate projections for assessing changes in hydrological extremes and underlying uncertainties. Climate Dynamics, 55, 2031–2051. [PDF]

  • Carvalho, K.S. and Wang, S. (2020) Sea surface temperature variability in the Arctic Ocean and its marginal seas in a changing climate: Patterns and mechanisms. Global and Planetary Change, 193, 103265. [PDF]

  • Wang, S., Zhu, J., Huang, G., Baetz, B., Cheng, G., Zeng, X., and Wang, X. (2020) Assessment of climate change impacts on energy capacity planning in Ontario, Canada using high-resolution regional climate model. Journal of Cleaner Production, 274, 123026. [PDF]

  • Chen, H., Wang, S., and Wang, Y. (2020) Exploring abrupt alternations between wet and dry conditions on the basis of historical observations and convection-permitting climate model simulations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125, e2019JD031982. [PDF]

  • Faridatul, M.I., Wu, B., Zhu, X., and Wang, S. (2020) Improving remote sensing based evapotranspiration modelling in a heterogeneous urban environment. Journal of Hydrology, 581, 124405. [PDF]

  • Wang, S. and Zhu, J. (2020) Amplified or exaggerated changes in perceived temperature extremes under global warming. Climate Dynamics, 54, 117–127. [PDF]


  • Zhang, B., Wang, S., and Wang, Y. (2019) Copula‐based convection‐permitting projections of future changes in multivariate drought characteristics. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124, 7460–7483. [PDF]

  • Zhu, J., Wang, S., and Huang, G. (2019) Assessing climate change impacts on human-perceived temperature extremes and underlying uncertainties. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124, 3800–3821. [PDF]

  • Wang, S. and Wang Y. (2019) Improving probabilistic hydroclimatic projections through high-resolution convection-permitting climate modeling and Markov chain Monte Carlo simulations. Climate Dynamics, 53, 1613–1636. [PDF]

  • Carvalho, K.S. and Wang, S. (2019) Characterizing the Indian Ocean sea level changes and potential coastal flooding impacts. Journal of Hydrology, 569, 373–386. [PDF]

  • Hu, Z., Chen, X., Chen, D., Li, J., Wang, S., Zhou, Q., Yin, G., and Guo, M. (2019) “Dry gets drier, wet gets wetter”: A case study over the arid regions of central Asia. International Journal of Climatology, 39, 1072–1091. [PDF]

  • Li, K., Huang, G., and Wang, S. (2019) Market-based stochastic optimization of water resources systems for improving drought resilience and economic efficiency in arid regions. Journal of Cleaner Production, 233, 522–537. [PDF]


2018 and earlier

  • Wang, S., Ancell, B.C., Huang, G.H., and Baetz, B.W. (2018) Improving robustness of hydrologic ensemble predictions through probabilistic pre- and post-processing in sequential data assimilation. Water Resources Research, 54, 2129–2151. [PDF]

  • Wang, S., Huang, G.H., Baetz, B.W., Cai, X.M., Ancell, B.C., and Fan, Y.R. (2017) Examining dynamic interactions among experimental factors influencing hydrologic data assimilation with the ensemble Kalman filter. Journal of Hydrology, 554, 743–757. [PDF]

  • Wang, S., Huang, G.H., Baetz, B.W., and Ancell, B.C. (2017) Towards robust quantification and reduction of uncertainty in hydrologic predictions: Integration of particle Markov chain Monte Carlo and factorial polynomial chaos expansion. Journal of Hydrology, 548, 484–497. [PDF]

  • Wang, Y.Y., Huang, G.H., and Wang, S. (2017) CVaR-based factorial stochastic optimization of water resources systems with correlated uncertainties. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 31, 1543–1553.

  • Wang, S., Huang, G.H., Baetz, B.W., and Huang, W. (2016) Probabilistic inference coupled with possibilistic reasoning for robust estimation of hydrologic parameters and piecewise characterization of interactive uncertainties. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 17, 1243–1260.

  • Wang, S., Huang, G.H., and Zhou, Y. (2016) A fractional-factorial probabilistic-possibilistic optimization framework for planning water resources management systems with multi-level parametric interactions. Journal of Environmental Management, 172, 97–106.

  • Wang, Y.Y., Huang, G.H., Wang, S., Li, W., Guan, P.B., (2016) A risk-based interactive multi-stage stochastic programming approach for water resources planning under dual uncertainties. Advances in Water Resources, 94, 217–230.

  • Liu, X.M., Huang, G.H., Wang, S., and Fan, Y.R. (2016) Water resources management under uncertainty: Factorial multi-stage stochastic program with chance constraints. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 30, 945–957.

  • Zhou, Y., Huang, G.H., Wang, S., Li, Z., and Zhou, Y. (2016) Factorial fuzzy programming for planning water resources management systems. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 59, 1855–1872.

  • Wang, Y.Y., Huang, G.H., Wang, S., and Li, W. (2016) A stochastic programming with imprecise probabilities model for planning water resources systems under multiple uncertainties. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 30, 2169–2178.

  • Zhao, S., Huang, G.H., Wang, S., Wang, X.Q., and Huang, W. (2016) Insight into sorption mechanism of phenanthrene onto gemini modified palygorskite through a multi-level fuzzy-factorial inference approach. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A. Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, 51, 759–768.

  • Zhou, Y., Huang, G.H., Wang, S., Zhai, Y., and Xin, X. (2016) Water resources management under dual uncertainties: A factorial fuzzy two-stage stochastic programming approach. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 30, 795–811.

  • Chen, F., Huang, G.H., Fan, Y.R., and Wang, S. (2016) A copula-based chance-constrained waste management planning method: An application to the City of Regina. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 66, 307–328.

  • Wang, S., Huang, G.H., Baetz, B.W., and Huang, W. (2015) A polynomial chaos ensemble hydrologic prediction system for efficient parameter inference and robust uncertainty assessment. Journal of Hydrology, 530, 716–733.

  • Wang, S., Huang, G.H., Huang, W., Fan, Y.R., and Li, Z. (2015) A fractional factorial probabilistic collocation method for uncertainty propagation of hydrologic model parameters in a reduced dimensional space. Journal of Hydrology, 529, 1129–1146.

  • Wang, S., Huang, G.H., and Baetz, B.W. (2015) An inexact probabilistic-possibilistic optimization framework for flood management in a hybrid uncertain environment. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 23, 897–908.

  • Wang, S., Huang, G.H., and Zhou, Y. (2015) Inexact probabilistic optimization model and its application to flood diversion planning in a dynamic and uncertain environment. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 141, 04014093.

  • Wang, S. and Huang, G.H. (2015) A multi-level Taguchi-factorial two-stage stochastic programming approach for characterization of parameter uncertainties and their interactions: An application to water resources management. European Journal of Operational Research, 240, 572–581.

  • Wang, S. and Huang, G.H. (2015) Risk-based factorial probabilistic inference for optimization of flood control systems with correlated uncertainties. European Journal of Operational Research, 249, 258–269.

  • Wang, S. and Huang, G.H. (2014) An integrated approach for water resources decision making under interactive and compound uncertainties. Omega – The International Journal of Management Science, 44, 32–40.

  • Wang, S., Huang, G.H., Lin, Q.G., Li, Z., Zhang, H., and Fan, Y.R. (2014) Comparison of interpolation methods for estimating spatial distribution of precipitation in Ontario, Canada. International Journal of Climatology, 34, 3745–3751.

  • Wang, S., Huang, G.H., and Veawab, A. (2013) A sequential factorial analysis approach to characterize the effects of uncertainties for supporting air quality management. Atmospheric Environment, 67, 304–312.

  • Wang, S. and Huang, G.H. (2013) An interval-parameter two-stage stochastic fuzzy program with type-2 membership functions: An application to water resources management. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 27, 1493–1506.

  • Wang, S. and Huang, G.H. (2013) A two-stage mixed-integer fuzzy programming with interval-valued membership functions approach for flood-diversion planning. Journal of Environmental Management, 117, 208–218.

  • Wang, S., Huang, G.H., Wei, J., and He, L. (2013) Simulation-based variance components analysis for characterization of interaction effects of random factors on Trichloroethylene vapor transport in unsaturated porous media. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 52, 8602–8611.

  • Wang, S. and Huang, G.H. (2013) Interactive fuzzy boundary interval programming for air quality management under uncertainty. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 224: 1574.

  • Wang, S. and Huang, G.H. (2013) A coupled factorial-analysis-based interval programming approach and its application to air quality management. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 63, 179–189.

  • Wei, J., Huang, G.H., Wang, S., Zhao, S., and Yao, Y. (2013) Improved solubilities of PAHs by multi-component Gemini surfactant systems with different spacer lengths. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 423, 50–57.

  • Tan, Z.F., Song, Y.H., Shen, Y.S., Zhang, C., and Wang S. (2013) An optimization-based study to analyze the impacts of clean energy and carbon emission mechanisms on inter-regional energy exchange. Journal of Environmental Informatics, 22, 123–130.

  • Wang, S., Huang, G.H., and He, L. (2012) Development of a clusterwise-linear- regression-based forecasting system for characterizing DNAPL dissolution behaviors in porous media. Science of the Total Environment, 433, 141–150.

  • Wang, S., Huang, G.H., and Yang, B.T. (2012) An interval-valued fuzzy-stochastic programming approach and its application to municipal solid waste management. Environmental Modelling & Software, 29, 24–36.

  • Wang, S. and Huang, G.H. (2012) Identifying optimal water resources allocation strategies through an interactive multi-stage stochastic fuzzy programming approach. Water Resources Management, 26, 2015–2038.

  • He, L., Huang, G.H., Lu, H.W., Wang, S., and Xu, Y. (2012) Quasi-Monte Carlo based global uncertainty and sensitivity analysis in modeling free product migration and recovery from petroleum-contaminated aquifers. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 219–220, 133–140.

  • Shen, Y.S., Tan, Z.F., Shen, X.L., Bai, J.J., Li, Q.Z., and Wang, S. (2012) Study of energy saving and emission reduction based on the OLAP multi-indicator relational model. Journal of Environmental Informatics, 20, 115–122.

  • Wang, S. and Huang, G.H. (2011) Interactive two-stage stochastic fuzzy programming for water resources management. Journal of Environmental Management, 92, 1986–1995.

  • Wang, S., Huang, G.H., Lu, H.W., and Li, Y.P. (2011) An interval-valued fuzzy linear programming with infinite α-cuts method for environmental management under uncertainty. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 25, 211–222.

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